Friday, January 4, 2013

Hair Affair

Last night, I had a dream about hair. What that dream actually meant, who knows. I decided to act a little on it though. I washed my five year olds hair with some new shampoo. It's by Suave.


Well, this may seem kind of strange, but it is now 2013. I started this blog back in 2007 after I got my i port. A lot has happened since then. I almost do not know where to start. Well, here goes.

I was doing my best to heal up from the surgery in August of 2007. It was part of what has been a very long road for me. I went through terrible rounds of sickness. Still, I never gave up, nor did I let this totally run all aspects of my life. I closed my eyes, and I had a long talk with God. 

Friday, August 3, 2007

The Aftermath of the i port

It's been about three days since I got my I-port in. I am really glad that the procedure is over, although it still hurts even now. I imagined that the whole thing would be fairly comfortable, but the "I don't care medicine" that the nurse gave me did not work. Not even after a few pushes on the syringe. Needless to say, I'm home recovering, something I was not expecting. Well you see, I got all excited to finish summer semester of school to enjoy the break until next semester roles around. Instead, I am indoors recovering and trying to keep my time occupied. I thought for days that it would be good for me to share my thoughts with others, since the comprehension level of any other human in the house is still at an elementary level. Don't get it twisted, I love my kids. This marks a new beginning.